Yet Another Look

This is our latest and final Pat Shaw recording. It carries a number of previously unrecorded gems from Pat Shaw’s “Another Look at Playford”, and is a companion to our popular “Pat Shaw’s Playford”.
This completes the set of seven Pat Shaw recordings, which started with “New Wine in Old Bottles”.

Nampwich Fair Du min Jig x7 3’59”
Le Carillon d’Oxfort Du min Reel x7 3’15”
Captain Macintosh 3 Co long Hornpipe x3 2’37”
Woolly and Georgey Du min 3/2 x7 4’25”
Gasconne Du min Reel x7 4’25”
Confess – Confesse his Tune Set for 2 trios Jig x4 2’11”
Flowers of Edinburgh Tri min Reel x7 4’51”
The Matelot 3 Co long Jig x3 1’50”
Dick’s Maggot/Double the Cape Du min 3/2 x7 3’35”
True Joak Du min Jig x7 4’10”
Lady in the Dark 2 Co set Jig x3 2’09”
Lincolns-Inn Garden Du min 3/2 x7 6’01”
The Boatman 3 Co long Jig x3 1’51”
The Great Turk Du min Jig x7 2’32”
Thomas Wilson’s Morpeth Rant 3 Co long Reel x3 2’22”
Jack’s Health Du min Jig x7 4’41”
Prince George Du min Reel x7 3’34”
Frisky Jenny 3 Co long Reel x3 1’41”
Jacob Hall’s Jig Du min Jig x7 4’55”
Portsmouth Du min Reel x7 4’25”
Burlington House 3 Co long Reel x3 3’12”
Mr Isaac’s Maggott Du min 3/2 x7 4’37”

Pat Shaw’s Playford


Holborn March Du min March x7 4’04”
Spring Garden 4 Co long Jig x3 2’31’
Up with Aily Du min Sl jig x7 2’48”
Whimbleton House Du min 5/2 – 3/2 x7 3’44”
If All the World were Paper Square set Jig x3 1’43”
Joy after Sorrow 3 Co long Waltz x3 4’00”
White Joak 3 Co long Jig x3 1’53”
The Spring Du min Reel x7 4’10”
News from Tripoly Du min 3/2 x7 7’37”
Marli Water Works 3 Co long Jig x3 2’00”
Mr Beveridge’s Maggott Du min 3/2 x7 3’54”
Never Love Thee More Du min Jig x7 5’17”
My Lady Winwood’s Maggott 3 Co long March x3 2’02”
Hair’s Maggott Du min 3/2 x7 6’05”
Russian Dance Tri min Reel x7 4’18”
Wives’ Victory Du min Jig x7 4’36
Bartlett House Du min Reel x7 4’21”
The Tatler Du min Jig x7 5’59”
The Health 4 Co long Reel x3 2’00”
Fair Quaker of Deal Du min Jig x7 4’00”

Long Live London

Long Live London Sic circle March x7 4’10”
Jigs – fast Jig x4 2’18”
K&E Double long Reel x7 4’00”
Thora’s Surprise 5 Co long Jig x5 3’02”
Heidenröslein Square set Waltz x4 3’04”
Gladys’s Salop Du min Reel x7 4’18”
Lord Thomas of Winchbury 3 Co long Jig x3 1’51”
Camphouse Reel Tri min Reel x7 4’39”
Downland 557 Jig x4 3’22”
Waltzes Waltz x4 3’53”
Princess Royal 3 Co long Reel x3 2’32”
Whirligigs’ Last bow Tri min Reel x7 4’06”
My Boy Willey 3 Co long Jig x3 1’45”
Sawdl Y Fuwch 3 Co long Reel x3 2’50”
Waltz for Christian von Arnim Waltz x4 5’20”
The Berkshire Tragedy Du min Jig x7 2’10”
Mr Shaw’s Canon 3 Co long Reel x3 1’44”
The Winsor Knot 3 Co long Slip Jig x3 1’44”
Nibs Goes West Double Sicilian Hornpipe x7 4’14”
Nan’s Waltz Sic circle Waltz x7 7’00”

Walpole Cottage

Walpole Cottage Sic circle – Trios Reel x7 5’40”
Joseph’s Jig Du min Jig x7 4’18”
Muschamps Maggot 4 Co long Rant x4 2’28”
Nona Co dance Hambo x4 2’48”
Kitty Alone 2 Co set Jig x3 1’52”
Chigwell Row Du min Reel x7 4’08”
The Leiberts’ Wedding 3 Co long Jig x3 2’12”
Quite Carr-ied Away Tri min Waltz x7 7’36”
Marches March x6 3’57”
Shropshire Galop 5 Co long Jig x5 2’50”
Long Pond Du min Rant x7 4’43”
Waltzes Waltz x7 4’57”
The Three sea Captains Double Sicilian Jig x7 4’36”
Pine Needles Sic circle Reel x7 4’08”
Monica’s Delight 2 Co long Jig x3 0’56”
La Ronde de l’Amour Square set Waltz x4 4’11”
Tŷ Coch Caerdydd 3 Co long Hornpipe x3 2’50”
Reels Reel x7 4’41”
Margaret’s Waltz Sic circle Waltz x6 4’22”

Levi Jackson

The Dancing Dutch Du min Reel x7 4’09”
Pinewoods Square Eight Square set Jig x3 1’44”
Four Winds 3 Co long 3/2 & Jig x3 4’54”
The Delight of the Men of Lley Sic circle Hornpipe x7 4’14”
The Rose of Tankerton 5 Co long Jig x3 2’32”
The Phoenix Rejuvenated 4 Co long Reel x4 2’28”
Little Hudson 2. Co set Jig x3 1’47”
The American Husband Sic circle+extra Co Rag x7 7’32”
Avoncroft 3 Co long Jig x3 1’45”
The Staffordshire Hornpipe Du min Hornpipe x7 4’37”
Waters of Holland 3 Co long Reel x3 1’49”
Freda’s Fancy Sic circle Jig/Reel x7 4’15”
Flowers of Chirk Square set Reel x4 4’48”
Miss Anderson’s Allemande Du min Jig x7 4’46”
The Slof Galliard 4 Co long March x4 2’59”
The Shy Mer-chant 4 Co Becket set Jig x3 1’59”
Silver for the Matthews 3 Co long Reel x3 1’50”
Morecambe Bay Sic circle Jig x7 3’50”
Levi Jackson Rag 4 Co Becket+1 Co Rag x5 2’36”
John Tallis’s Canon Du min Jig x7 3’59”
Waterfall Waltz Sic circle Waltz x7 4’08”

Twickenham Ferry

Halsway Sicilian Sic circle Jig x7 3’59”
A Trip to Orpington 3 Co long Reel x3 1’54”
The Amazed Geneticist 4 Co long Reel x4 2’23”
Miss Avril’s Delight 5 Co long 3/2 x5 5’45”
Miss Bedlington’s Fancy Square set Reel x 1’53”
Miss de Jersey’s Memorial Du min Waltz x7 8’50”
Mr Ganiford’s Maggot Tri min Jig x7 3’52”
Sybil’s Au Revoir 3 Co long Reel x3 1’53”
Round Pond 3 Co round Jig x3 2’01”
The Martial Baron Tri min March/Jig x7 4’48”
Heswall & West Kirby Jubilee 4 Co Becket set Reel x4 2’20”
The Gay Gaddabout 3 Co long Jig x3 1’52”
Bare Necessities 3 Co round Waltz x3 2’45”
The Pengwern Valley Galop Sic circle Jig x7 2’51”
Another Nancy’s Fancy Du min 3/2 x7 8’06”
Pine Cones 3 Co long Jig x3 1’44”
Rant Gone Wrong 3 Co long Rant x3 1’53”
The Pride of Newcastle 3 Co round Slip Jig x3 2’02”
Clarance House Square set Jig/Reel x2 2’57”
Buzzards Bay 3 Co long Reel x3 2’13”
The Real Princess 4 Co long Jig x4 2’23”
Twickenham Ferry Square set Waltz x3 4’51”

New Wine in Old Bottles

Babylon (1st version) Tri min long March x7 3’17”
The Betrayed Lover Du min Jig x7 2’06”
The Lover’s Farewell 3 Co long Waltz x3 4’37”
Up on a Lofty Mountain Square set March x3 1’07”
I have a Song to Sing Du min Jig x7 2’22”
The Farmer 3 Co long Reel x3 1’29”
Dear Papa & Dear Mama Circle Waltz x7 4’42”
Ah! Belinda 6 Co long Polka x3 2’26”
Men of Law Tri min March x7 6’37”
Little Nightingale Du min March x7 4’43”
The Sleepless Swain 2 Co set Waltz x3 3’06”
Katie the Nuisance 3 Co long Reel x3 2’52”
May in the Hague Trios – long set Jig x7 4’25”
Planting the May 3 Co long March x4 1’58”
The Woeful Lover 5 Co long 3/2 x5 7’38”
Sweet Rosie Red Du min March x7 3’41”
The Carillon at Sneek 4 Co long Waltz x4 2’34”
An English Air 2 Trio set Reel x4 2’00”
Sally from Poland Du min Mazurka x7 8’53”
Cecilia 4 Co long March x3 2’17”
Babylon (2nd version) Quadruple min March x7 5’17”

Special price for all our Pat Shaw CDs in this centennial year: £10 +£2 p&p each from Nicolas Broadbridge. Enquire p&p for combined orders.
web site:
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