Title | Place | Date | Caller/Teacher |
Levi Jackson Rag | Mierlo, The Netherlands | 1 June | Phia Jongstra |
Another Nancy's Fancy | Elsendorp, The Netherlands | 2 June | Aartje Vink |
Buzzards Bay | Elsendorp, The Netherlands | 2 June | Aartje Vink |
Albert Memorial Square, The | Hale Barns, Manchester UK | 2 June | Andrew Shaw |
Flowers of Chirk | Melbourne, Australia | 3 June | Ian Kendall |
Miss de Jersey's Memorial | Elsendorp, The Netherlands | 3 June | Aartje Vink |
Heidenröslein | Elsendorp, The Netherlands | 3 June | Aartje Vink |
Walpole Cottage | Bournemouth (Dorset) | 3 June | Carol Hewson |
Errol on the Green | Suttle Lake, OR USA | 3 June | Rosemary Lach |
Shropshire Galop | Suttle Lake, OR USA | 3 June | Rosemary Lach |
Another Nancy's Fancy | Suttle Lake, OR USA | 3 June | Rosemary Lach |
Monica's Delight | Suttle Lake, OR USA | 3 June | Rosemary Lach |
Avoncroft | Suttle Lake, OR USA | 3 June | Rosemary Lach |
Dancing Dutch, The | Suttle Lake, OR USA | 3 June | Rosemary Lach |
Halsway Sicilian | Suttle Lake, OR USA | 3 June | Rosemary Lach |
Hamburger Special | Elsendorp, The Netherlands | 4 June | Liesbeth Krijgsman |
Martial Baron, The | Cecil Sharp House, London | 4 June | Madeleine Smith |
Little Hunsdon | Cecil Sharp House, London | 4 June | Madeleine Smith |
Another Nancy's Fancy | Cecil Sharp House, London | 4 June | Madeleine Smith |
Rose of Tankerton, The | Cecil Sharp House, London | 4 June | Madeleine Smith |
K & E | Bournemouth (Dorset) | 4 June | Carol Hewson |
Errol on the Green | Bournemouth (Dorset) | 4 June | Carol Hewson |
Twelve Reel | Keymer (Sx) | 5 June | Sean Goddard |
Hamburger Special | Watford (Herts) | 5 June | Val & Ian McFarlane
Val and Ian McFarlane |
Margaret's Waltz | Gateshead (Tyne and Wear) | 6 June | Joey Oliver |
John Tallis's Canon | Sydney, Australia | 6 June | Keith Wood |
Sybil's au Revoir | Chesterfield (Derbys) | 6 June | Neil Stuart |
Phoenix Rejuvenated, The | Chesterfield (Derbys) | 6 June | Neil Stuart |
K & E | Melbourne, Australia | 6 June | Bruce Hamilton |
Up on a Lofty Mountain | Melbourne, Australia | 6 June | Bruce Hamilton |
Merrilly We Dance and Sing | Ann Arbor, MI USA | 6 June | Robert Messer |
Halsway Sicilian | Melbourne, Australia | 7 June | Bruce Hamilton |
Quite Carr-ied Away | Melbourne, Australia | 7 June | Bruce Hamilton |
Three Sea Captains, The | Melbourne, Australia | 7 June | Bruce Hamilton |
Another Nancy's Fancy | Sheffield (S. Yorks) | 7 June | Neil Stuart |
Bare Necessities | Eindhoven, The Netherlands | 7 June | Phia Jongstra |
Levi Jackson Rag | Eindhoven, The Netherlands | 7 June | Phia Jongstra |
Rose of Tankerton, The | Datchet (Berks) | 7 June | Val & Ian McFarlane
Val and Ian McFarlane |
Trip to Orpington, A | Datchet (Berks) | 7 June | Val & Ian McFarlane
Val and Ian McFarlane |
Another Nancy's Fancy | Oklahoma City, OK USA | 8 June | Megan Wilson |
Waters of Holland, The | Cambridge, MA USA | 9 June | Barbara Finney |
Heidenröslein | Cambridge, MA USA | 9 June | Barbara Finney |
Miss Anderson's Allemande | Seattle, WA USA | 9 June | Karen Shaw |
Heidenröslein | Histon (Cambs) | 9 June | Hugh Stewart |
Colterom | Utrecht, The Netherlands | 9 June | Marieke van Leersum |
Heidenröslein | Urbana, IL USA | 10 June | Jonathan Sivier |
Walpole Cottage | Urbana, IL USA | 10 June | Jonathan Sivier |
Halsway Sicilian | Hexham (Northumberland) | 10 June | Joey Oliver |
Morecambe Bay | Hexham (Northumberland) | 10 June | Joey Oliver |
Heidenröslein | Hexham (Northumberland) | 10 June | Joey Oliver |
Margaret's Waltz | Hexham (Northumberland) | 10 June | Joey Oliver |
Winsor Knot, The | Ryedale (N. Yorks) | 10 June | Hilary Herbert |
Princess Royal, The | Ryedale (N. Yorks) | 10 June | Hilary Herbert |
Bare Necessities | Ryedale (N. Yorks) | 10 June | Hilary Herbert |
Errol on the Green | Ryedale (N. Yorks) | 10 June | Hilary Herbert |
Monica's Delight | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
Martial Baron, The | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
Miss Bedlington's Fancy | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
John Tallis's Canon | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
Round Pond | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
Miss de Jersey's Memorial | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
Trumpet Vine | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
K & E | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
Nan's Waltz | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
Long Pond | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
Mr Ganiford's Maggot | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
Bare Necessities | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
Long Live London | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
American Husband, The | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
Margaret's Waltz | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 10 June | Madeleine Smith |
Waters of Holland, The | Mayne Island, BC Canada | 10 June | Rosemary Lach |
Mr Ganiford's Maggot | Sebastopol, CA USA | 10 June | Scott Higgs |
Walpole Cottage | Sebastopol, CA USA | 10 June | Scott Higgs |
Gladys's Galop | Maidstone (Kent) | 11 June | John Sweeney |
Buzzards Bay | Maidstone (Kent) | 11 June | John Sweeney |
Round Pond | Maidstone (Kent) | 11 June | John Sweeney |
Monica's Delight | Maidstone (Kent) | 11 June | John Sweeney |
Miss Bedlington's Fancy | Maidstone (Kent) | 11 June | John Sweeney |
Sybil's au Revoir | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 11 June | Ted Morse |
Albert Memorial Square, The | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 11 June | Ted Morse |
Three Sea Captains, The | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 11 June | Ted Morse |
Donkey Brays, The | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 11 June | Ted Morse |
Streets of Laredo | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 11 June | Ted Morse |
Sweet Rosie Red | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 11 June | Ted Morse |
Mr Shaw's Canon | Stonesfield (Oxon) | 11 June | Madeleine Smith |
Gladys's Galop | Rochester, NY USA | 11 June | Carmen Giunta |
Heidenröslein | Bundanoon, Australia | 12 June | Keith Wood |
John Tallis's Canon | Bundanoon, Australia | 12 June | Keith Wood |
Kennedys' Rant, The | Bundanoon, Australia | 12 June | Keith Wood |
Miss Anderson's Allemande | Bundanoon, Australia | 12 June | Keith Wood |
Muschamp's Maggot | Bundanoon, Australia | 12 June | Keith Wood |
Phoenix Rejuvenated, The | Bundanoon, Australia | 12 June | Keith Wood |
Pine Cones | Bundanoon, Australia | 12 June | Keith Wood |
Thora's Surprise | Bundanoon, Australia | 12 June | Keith Wood |
Real Princess, The | Shoreham (Sx) | 12 June | Sean Goddard |
Twickenham Ferry | Ashford (Kent) | 12 June | John Sweeney |
Long Pond | Baltimore, MD USA | 12 June | Diane Schmit |
Round Pond | Baltimore, MD USA | 12 June | Diane Schmit |
Errol on the Green | Purley (Surrey) | 13 June | Carol Hewson |
Levi Jackson Rag | Melbourne, Australia | 14 June | George Ansell |
Morecambe Bay | Arlington Heights, MA USA | 14 June | Barbara Finney |
Long Live London | Cheltenham (Glos) | 14 June | Madeleine Smith |
Up on a Lofty Mountain | Glen Echo, MD USA | 14 June | Melissa Running |
John Tallis's Canon | Chinnor (Oxon) | 15 June | Madeleine Smith |
Levi Jackson Rag | Chinnor (Oxon) | 15 June | Madeleine Smith |
Waterfall Waltz | Melbourne, Australia | 17 June | Geoff Molloy |
John Tallis's Canon | Cambridge, UK | 17 June | Matthew Vernon |
Waters of Holland, The | Cambridge, UK | 17 June | Kai Hugtenberg |
Levi Jackson Rag | Magnolia, MA USA | 17 June | Cammy Kaynor |
Waters of Holland, The | Great Falls, VA USA | 17 June | Tom Spilsbury |
Miss Anderson's Allemande | Lichfield (Staffs) | 17 June | Robert Moir |
Amazed Geneticist, The | Lichfield (Staffs) | 17 June | Robert Moir |
Lover's Farewell, The | Lichfield (Staffs) | 17 June | Robert Moir |
Clarance House | Lichfield (Staffs) | 17 June | Robert Moir |
Princess Royal, The | Lichfield (Staffs) | 17 June | Robert Moir |
Long Live London | Lichfield (Staffs) | 17 June | Robert Moir |
Dancing Dutch, The | Lichfield (Staffs) | 17 June | Robert Moir |
Camp House Reel | Lichfield (Staffs) | 17 June | Robert Moir |
Silver for the Matthews | Lichfield (Staffs) | 17 June | Robert Moir |
Clevedon Sicilian | Lichfield (Staffs) | 17 June | Robert Moir |
Margaret's Waltz | Lichfield (Staffs) | 17 June | Robert Moir |
Miss Anderson's Allemande | Oklahoma City, OK USA | 18 June | Megan Wilson |
Phoenix Rejuvenated, The | Oklahoma City, OK USA | 18 June | Megan Wilson |
Pride of Newcastle, The | Batavia, IL USA | 18 June | Tammy Bretscher |
Trip to Orpington, A | Batavia, IL USA | 18 June | Mady Newfield |
Phoenix Rejuvenated, The | Seattle, WA USA | 18 June | Peggy Roe |
Heidenröslein | Seattle, WA USA | 18 June | Peggy Roe |
Levi Jackson Rag | Lichfield (Staffs) | 19 June | Orly Krasner |
Twickenham Ferry | Ashford (Kent) | 19 June | John Sweeney |
Bare Necessities | Mierlo, The Netherlands | 20 June | Phia Jongstra |
Levi Jackson Rag | Heathfield (Sx) | 20 June | Sean Goddard |
Real Princess, The | Heathfield (Sx) | 20 June | Sean Goddard |
Bare Necessities | Melbourne, Australia | 20 June | George Ansell |
Bare Necessities | Melbourne, Australia | 21 June | George Ansell |
Phoenix Rejuvenated, The | Glen Echo, MD USA | 21 June | Tom Spilsbury |
Errol on the Green | Eastbourne (Sx) | 22 June | Sean Goddard |
John Tallis's Canon | Chinnor (Oxon) | 22 June | Madeleine Smith |
Levi Jackson Rag | Chinnor (Oxon) | 22 June | Madeleine Smith |
Trip to Orpington, A | Brisbane, Australia | 23 June | Matt Palmer |
Winsor Knot, The | Brisbane, Australia | 23 June | Matt Palmer |
Silver for the Matthews | Brisbane, Australia | 23 June | Sheree Greenhill |
Chigwell Row | Ashford (Kent) | 24 June | John Sweeney |
Bare Necessities | Melbourne, Australia | 24 June | George Ansell |
Waterfall Waltz | Staveley (Cumbria) | 24 June | Martyn Harvey |
Flowers of Chirk | Staveley (Cumbria) | 24 June | Martyn Harvey |
Miss Bedlington's Fancy | Cumnor (Oxon) | 24 June | Madeleine Smith |
Chigwell Row | Cumnor (Oxon) | 24 June | Madeleine Smith |
Slof Galliard, The | Enfield (Middx) | 24 June | Val & Ian McFarlane
Val and Ian McFarlane |
Waters of Holland, The | Enfield (Middx) | 24 June | Val & Ian McFarlane
Val and Ian McFarlane |
Bare Necessities DEMO | Melbourne, Australia | 25 June | George Ansell |
Phoenix Rejuvenated, The | Brisbane, Australia | 25 June | Sheree Greenhill |
Colterom | Seaford (Sx) | 26 June | Sean Goddard |
Phoenix Rejuvenated, The | Baltimore, MD USA | 26 June | Sharon McKinley |
Levi Jackson Rag | Purley (Surrey) | 27 June | Carol Hewson |
Margaret's Waltz | Maidstone (Kent) | 27 June | John Sweeney |
Heidenröslein | Melbourne, FL USA | 27 June | Catie Condran Geist |
Bare Necessities | Melbourne, Australia | 28 June | George Ansell |
Buzzards Bay | Perth, W. Australia | 28 June | Alison Scott |
Betrayed Lover, The | Perth, W. Australia | 28 June | Steven Janowiecki |
Long Pond | Chinnor (Oxon) | 29 June | Madeleine Smith |
Slof Galliard, The | Stevenage (Herts) | 29 June | Jon Newton |